Treatment Regimen

SMF CARE is used for a wide number of indications. Following is a list of those indications along with their treatment regimen:

  1. SMF (Submucous Fibrosis): To reverse the damage caused by SMF, along with mouth opening exercises take:

    One capsule per day for 3 months.


  2. Ulcerations: For rapid healing of ulcers due to fever, tobacco and thick consistency of lime, take:

    Two tablets per day for 10 to 15 days.


  3. Premalignant lesions: For lesions like leukoplakia, erythroplakia, lichen planus, tobacco pouch keratosis, etc., take:

    One capsule per day for 3 months.


  4. Cancer patients: In order to prevent cancer recurrence in patients who have been operated for oral cancer, take:

    One capsule per day for 3 months.


  5. Non-quitters: For those who cannot quit the habit of tobacco, along with de-addiction, take:

    One capsule a day for 1 month.

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